D.Miles Checking in, and it 1 in the morning but I had to address this story that just came out about Chris Brown. Now I believe that a man should defend himself at all times, but never should an argument with a woman turn physical. I mean unless the woman has a weapon, there are several other things you could do about the situation, but hitting her is not one of them. Men who hit women usually do it because they are scared to hit a man. If the story is true, then Chris Brown really just lost alot of respect from alot of people....

Chris Bown is a real ass nigga for this yall say he wrong tryin to be politically correct and shit all yall kno that if a girl gave you HERPES yall would do some type of damage to that girl
ReplyDeleteIm a female an i personally think shes lucky because Herpes u can neva get rid of that an hes 19 who else was she sexually involved with if its another famous person then the plot thickens but if i was chris brown i might have caught a murder charge my initial reaction would not be 2 feel sorry for my self but to go ham